Thursday, May 22, 2008

The following is a note from Brother Rey,

I have copied here some excerpts from a note I received from Pastor Rey.
Please pray for the work that is ongoing in Tenig Abra and for our displaced Missionaries. Now is the time we need to push harder in order to get the Word of God to the Tribes.
Pastor Tommy - Senior Pastor Lakeview Baptist Church, Financial Assistant Tribes in Asia, USA

Greetings to All !

I just arrived from Thailand last Thursday. I got stranded for two days in Bangkok due to my booking. I am planning to go to California on July 15 to September 15,2008.

Regarding to Cyclone in Burma, the center of cyclone was in Delta region. I think it never reached the Karenni State. I was two days hiking away from the border line of Thai-Burma border when we were hit by the cyclone. And it never reach the border. And we were in Karenni state already at that time.

We have a problem here in the office. 90 % of our workers in the field are dislocated. While I was away, the hoodlum in uniform, Communist, try to destroy our ministry.

But our work is not ours it is God's work.

Please pray that God will give me long patience.
A Brother in South Carolina at Savannah Valley Bible College has advised us he can get Bibles in the Karenni language. We are hoping to get a shipment of those Bibles for delivery in the provinces. I will go back to Karenni state for Bible delivery.
I will go back in Karenni state may be after two years to deliver Bibles.

I am praying to go to Pakistan-Afghanistan border.
There is a black Infidel ( hill tribes). They where called black because they are wearing black and infidel because they have converted to Christianity.
Most of them are not deep in the Lord they are still worshipping the animist.
No missionaries are working with them.

Please pray for God's provision.
Thanks for all the help you are doing in our ministry.
I will be concentrating more in promoting the ministry to get more funds.
Mission work is expensive. As of now, I am trying to arrange of field workers.
Thanks my regards.
In HIS Service - Pastor Rey Awatin

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Photo's from visit to USA 2007

Brother Rey and Sister Annie at the home of Pastor Thomas Maxwell in Anderson S.C., Lakeview Baptist Church. A good visit and time had by all.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tribes in Asia for Christ

Welcome to the Blog for Tribes in Asia for Christ (TAC).
Tribes in Asia for Christ was started by Pastor Rey Awatin.
We are based in Manilla Philippines. Our mission is to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unreached people groups of Asia.
We have Missionaries currently in Tenig Abra working to establish churches in this remote region of the Philippines.
Also we minister to Christian Churches throughout Asia.
Viet Nam, Thailand, Thai-Burma Border refugee camps, Cambodia. We are supported by person around the Globe.

Tribes In Asia:

Unit 2401 Cityland 10 Tower 1 H.V. Dela Costa St., Salecedo Village Brgy. Belair, Makati City, Philippines.

Mailing Address:

MCPO Box 4500 Makati City 1285, Philippines.
Tel / Fax 632-817-1718

In America - Tribes In Asia C/O Rev. Thomas Maxwell, Senior Pastor, Lakeview Baptist Church, 106 Gregory Ct. Anderson, S.C., 29626. He may be contacted if after prayer you wish to support our ministry please contact him in writing at the address listed for more information.